Dental emergencies can occur at any time, and getting dental help at the right time is essential in preventing lasting damage. More often than not, the time you take to visit an emergency dental care dentist after a dental emergency can make the difference between saving or losing your natural teeth.
Dr. Best at Best Dental Care NJ provides dental emergency care for patients in Newton, New Jersey, to provide immediate relief and resolve their dental issues quickly and painlessly.
request an appointmentWhat to Do During a Dental Emergency
Dental emergencies are different depending on the level of care they require. While some situations need immediate assistance, Dr. Best can treat other scenarios at one of our dental offices in Newton, New Jersey, the next day.
Let’s take a closer look at a few common dental emergencies and what you should do before visiting Dr. Best:
- If your tooth has fallen out, Dr. Best may be able to place it back in its socket as long as you do not disturb the exposed root and store the tooth in a milk container until you reach our dental office.
- If your jaw is swollen, use a cold compress to minimize pain and sensitivity and schedule a consultation with Dr. best.
- If you have a broken or chipped tooth, rinse your mouth with salt and warm water and bite down on a piece of gauze to stem the bleeding until you reach our office.
- If you have soft-tissue damage, clean your mouth with warm water and salt, apply a cold compress, and then schedule an appointment with Dr. Best.
How to Avoid Dental Emergencies
Not all dental emergencies are preventable, but you can protect your oral health by practicing a robust oral care routine. This includes brushing twice and flossing once a day. Your routine should also include regular dental visits and cleanings, ideally once every 6 months.
A dental emergency can occur unexpectedly, so don’t hesitate to call Dr. Best at Best Dental Care for help. Call our Newton, New Jersey, office at (973) 383-5700. You can also schedule an appointment online to receive the best emergency dental care in New Jersey.